November 02, 2023
Aramcon Grigory Vidishev captures the Western Veil nebula in the Cygnus constellation with a specialist camera.
Grigory Vidishev, a Planning and Performance Management Department analyst, is a keen amateur “astro photographer” when he’s not at work. He lives in the Dhahran community and takes photographs using a telescope and a specialist camera — a ZWO ASI533 MC Pro — often from his back yard. Vidishev has been with the company for nearly five years. This image shows the Western Veil nebula in the in the constellation called Cygnus. Share your photos from around the world (or even galaxy) by sending a high-resolution jpeg to Make sure to include a little information about your photo, including where and when it was taken, any special settings, and what you were doing there. Also include a little personal information, including what you do at Aramco, in which department you work, and how long you have been with the company.