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Aramco chairman champions data-driven approach to enable global energy transition

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His Excellency Yasir O. Al-Rumayyan, chairman of Aramco’s Board of Directors

FII Seventh Edition


The benefits of generative AI need to be balanced with its carbon footprint. This is where a data-driven approach will be a critical enabler of the global energy transition, with resources like the Archie Initiative, supported by Aramco, making that possible.


The Archie Initiative became publicly available earlier this year, and it reports annual emissions from over 4,100 oil fields, 480 refineries, 10,000 power plants, and 7,000 renewable energy sources worldwide, tracking them to their consumption points.


In support of the energy transition, we are also looking at several groundbreaking initiatives, including the development of synthetic e-fuels.


This would reduce emissions in engines by more than 70% compared to conventional fuels. 


The shift in the global landscape is creating new challenges, from supply chain disruption to climate change.


By being open and willing to serve as catalysts for change, we can set a new path forward.