August 30, 2023
Goal of the program is to provide a deeper understanding of safety leadership skills and competencies.
Aramco’s Safety Leadership Signature Program (SLSP), the latest addition to safety leadership training run by Loss Prevention, is a world-first bespoke product developed for directors and executives to help Aramco achieve its strategic objective of maintaining a safe work environment.
Safety leadership development remains critical in maintaining Aramco’s strong safety performance, and to this end the new program builds on existing programs to equip leadership with the necessary skills to nurture an agile safety culture, strengthen governance and accountability, and integrate safety into decision making processes.

In a welcome message to the first cohort of participants, Amin Nasser, president and CEO, said: “As leaders, we are accountable for the safety of our people, and the performance of our organizations. This program is designed to shape your safety mindsets so that you are better prepared to drive safety performance, and reinforce the actions that are essential to how we do business.”
The unique program strives to exceed stakeholder expectations in terms of safety across the many jurisdictions in which Aramco operates — a prime reason that Aramco affiliate personnel are part of the program too.
Incisive training for a critical job
Ghassan G. Abulfaraj, vice president and chief Loss Prevention engineer, said, “The role of senior management in building and maintaining a solid foundation for safety cannot be overstated.”
To maintain our stance as a global safety leader, we ensure our leadership are supported through incisive training that allows them to fulfill the critical job we ask of them, and cascade that momentum and knowledge through their personnel.
— Ghassan G. Abulfaraj
Aramco partnered with two internationally recognized consultants — Q5 and JMJ — to create the unique seven-day program, which is an immersive, experience-based program using scenarios to build on the resilience and aptitude of safety leaders in crisis situations. It involves engagement with safety leaders, interactive case studies, focus on human behavior and mindset, and role-play in media and court situations.
The first cohort session, held in London, U.K., drew management personnel from both Aramco and affiliate companies, including S-Oil, Motiva, Arlanxeo, YASREF, and SASREF. Attendees engaged with industry safety leaders from organizations such as Great British Nuclear, as well as regulators.
Ibrahim A. Khawaji, director of LP Technical Services, said: “This program strives to enhance leadership skills to drive safety excellence and trigger positive leadership behavioral change. But we are also preparing leadership for situations beyond the normal expectations, to enable them to lead in a variety of situations.”
What participants said
This was one of the best sessions I’ve ever attended … It was unusual, with a lot of engagement.
— Anwar Hejazi, S-Oil
It is not about our contractors. It is not about our employees. It is about us as leaders and how we demonstrate ourselves in front of these people.
— Hesham Adel, YASREF
Very engaging. Very interactive. It was out of the norm.
— Nayef Shammari, Southern Area Well Completion Operations Department
When I see the spirit and dedication of the cohort here, it’s fantastic. So, I’m sure we’ll be able to make a difference.
— Andy Distelmans, Arlanxeo
Caption for top photo: The participants in the first SLSP program in London represented 15 company organizations and five domestic and international affiliates. Front row (from left): Faisal Dhabaiban, Fahad Dossary, Faisal Subhi, Naser Otaibi, Nayef Shammari, Anwar Hejazi, Fahad Bani, Jaber Suhaimi, Nayef Ghafel, and Khalid Harthi. At the back (from left): Geoffrey Josefy, Jeff Newman, Osama Saleh, Ziyad Juraifani, Hussain Qahtani, Henry Shim, Andy Distelmans, Hesham Adel, Ahmed Wadeai, Yaser Alshehri, Adel Ghamdi, Arafat Aloqaily, and Adel Ben Duheash.