This Day in History
This Day in History (2012): Women in Business looks to help women in the workforce

August 15, 2023
Launched in 2010, the program was designed to prepare high performing women Aramco employees to be better prepared for leadership roles in the future.
From the Aug. 15, 2012, edition of The Arabian Sun
Why does Saudi Aramco need a "Women in Business (WiB)" program?
Over the past two years, this has been a frequently asked question. Fortunately -- due in large part to the vast array of activities presently taking place in the area of Saudi female development -- this question has an answer.
One only needs to look around our work environment to see that the number of women employed by the company is increasing. Current influences have helped raise awareness that gender diversity is an essential business requirement.
These influences include the Kingdom's progressive approach to female education and development, and the introduction of the Accelerated Transformation Program that will lead Saudi Aramco into the future as a leading-edge global company.
"We have to prepare the young women for our work environment and business culture," said Huda M. Al-Ghoson, executive director of Employee Relations and Training.
To meet this goal, Al-Ghoson sponsored the "Women in Business" program, launched in April 2010, in Dhahran. The workshop is intended for Saudi female employees with less than 10 years of company service who are poised to become the frontrunners of the Saudi workforce of the future.
Since the program's inception, 22 three-day sessions have been conducted with a total of 375 women participating in this unique and groundbreaking experience.
The purpose of the program is to help women become successful in the workplace by improving their understanding and commitment to corporate culture and values, as well as their ability to identify, communicate, and capitalize on their own strengths as women in a team-oriented work environment.
The workshop includes a variety of class discussions, role plays, brainstorming, and other activities that develop personal and professional awareness and skills designed to increase their capacity to add value in the workplace.
Caption for the top photo: Tracy Olckers gives a presentation on the Women in Business program.
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