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Week 32 Most Viewed: Summer hits its stride with three Aramco LIFE campaigns

Phuket Thailand Aramcon Travel

A trio of campaigns landed in the top five most viewed articles, with the most popular by far being the Summer Travel Photo Contest, where readers submit their favorite images from travel destinations over the years.


That was followed by the popular Gamers8 campaign, which readers answer trivia questions about the event to win tickets to attend it.


The most viewed news article of the week was the second part of Janet Pinheiro’s coverage of investment in our gas portfolio, how it’s being done and its implications on our broader energy future.


Here’s a quick look at the most viewed items over the past week and month, respectively.


Most viewed over the past week


1. Picture this: Share your favorite travel photo and win

2. Gamers8 trivia: Another week, another six winners of Gamers 8 tickets

3. Investing to grow our gas portfolio: Haradh and Hawiyah increment (Story 2 of 2)

4. Fueling the future: Supporting the global transition

5. Bring LIFE to your home, add dependents to your account



Most viewed over the past month


1. Gamers8 trivia: Another week, another six winners of Gamers 8 tickets

2. ‘We know the magnitude of our work’: A day-in-the-life of an OSPAS engineer

3. H.E. Aali M. Al Zahrani wraps up over 30 years at Aramco