By July 17, 2023
When it comes to planning summer activities, follow these few steps to success.
Parents — brace yourselves. Summer vacation is here!
It's that time of the year when it’s easy to become stressed about planning the vacation for kids. Parents want their kids to unwind and recharge. But to strike a good balance between fun and learning, preparation is key.
I have devised a simple but effective guiding principle to help me plan. I call it "EPIC" —which stands for educational, play-like, interactive, and challenging. And I often use Ithra to help.
Educational: Yes, it’s a school holiday. But that doesn’t mean it should be a total break from education. Story time in Ithra’s library is a good example of a fun activity that helps kids stay in the learning groove. Enroll them in summer reading programs and check out Ithra’s audiobooks.
Play-like: Play is as important for developing brains as it is for fun. Provide plenty of unstructured time for kids to just be kids. And Ithra’s Children’s Museum is the perfect place to let your kid’s imagination run wild during supervised play time. It’s a great place for them to meet peers and friends. Share play time with your kids for unforgettable memories.
Interactive: These are activities that enable your kids to interact and socialize with other children — like Ithra’s Summer Camp, which encourages teamwork and communication. It helps nurture relationship-building skills in a safe environment.
Challenging: Encourage your kids to leave their comfort zones behind to build self-confidence and gain new experiences. Ithra’s Academy offers many hands-on activities and is a good place to develop talents and potential in the creative and cultural industries. It offers programs in: Literacy, Art and Design, Science and Technology, Music, Creative Leadership, and Film and Performing Arts.
Don't leave your kids’ development to chance over the summer break. Fill their free time with opportunities for growth and learning, as well as memorable experiences. Ithra can help make summer EPIC!
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