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Gamers 8

Gamers8 trivia: Congratulations to the last six Gamers8 Trivia winners

Participate in Aramco LIFE's Gamers8 trivia and gain a chance to win two tickets to the ongoing 2023 Gamers8 festival.


Questions will post every Sunday beginning this Sunday, July 16, with the last question going live on Sunday, Aug. 20.


Each of the six questions will go live on a Sunday, and the question will close just before midnight the following Wednesday.


In total, there will be six questions and 36 winners of two tickets each.


Register with your company email for the opportunity to participate, and then check back weekly to see if you've won.


Week 6 winners (Aug. 20-23)

Faisal Alowais (Northern Area Production Engineering Department)

Zoya Riaz (Materials Logistics Department)

Anas Alhasan (Upstream Computer Operations Department)

Fakhar Mehmood (Research and Development Center Department)

Razan Alqarni (Central Community Services Department)

Majed Alshaikh (Wasit Gas Plant Department)


Week 5 winners (Aug. 10-16)

Waleed Alshehri (Upstream Business Support Department)

Faisal Al-Otaibi (Southern Area Pipelines Department)

Abdulaziz Al-Qahtani (Hauling and Logistics Operations Division)

Jessica Weirmier (Central Community Services Department)

Sushil Pandey (Ras Tanura Refinery Operations Department)

Abdulaziz Alshaw (Eastern Region Terminal Maintenance Department)


Week 4 winners (Aug. 3-9)

Ahmad Alawami (Khursaniyah Gas Plant Department)

Geroge Buscato (Unconventional Resource and Project Management Department)

Hassan Alnajjad (Sea Water Injection Department)

Mohammed Alfuwaires (Government Affairs-Easter Province Department)

Saad Alomar (Upstream Computer Operations Department)

Sulaiman Albassam (EXPEC Advanced Research Center)


Week 3 winners (July 30-Aug. 2)

Amina Althuwaini (Drilling and Workover Finance and Performance Management Division)

Fatima Abualsaud (Office Services Department)

Muhammad Kazim Mahmood (Inspection Department)

Mohammed Yanbaawi (Marwa)

Touseef Ahmed (Community and Public Projects Department)

Yasser Qahtani (North Ghawar Gas Producing Department)


Week 2 winners (July 23-26)

Akram Ragaban (Northern Area Technical Support Department)

Hassan Alzahrani (Eastern Region Fire Protection Department)

Saleh Aljuhaini (Western Region Industrial Security Operations Department)

Mustafa Alobaid (Drilling and Workover Services Department)

Rajkumar Ramasamy (Jazan Refinery Operations Department)

Venu Lagishetti (EXPEC Computer Operations Department)


Week 1 winners (July 16-19)

Abdullah Al-Humdi (Western Region Distribution Department)

Hasan Alnasser (Ras Tanura Producing Department)

Rodolo Ringor (Shaybah NGL Recovery Plant Department)

Rowenna Elson (Power Systems Technical Support Department)

Saeed Alghamdi (Ras Tanura Refinery Operations Department)

Zaid Alsuhali (Northern Area Gas Producing Department)


Make sure to log in Sunday morning for the next question and another opportunity to win two tickets to Gamers8 in Riyadh.