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Week 24 Most Viewed: Outcrops, inaugurations, and a golf tournament

Aramco Geological Outcrops

Two items from the opposite ends of the planet were the most viewed items last week on Aramco LIFE. 


The most viewed takes a close look at the Kingdom’s jebels and outcrops, i.e., the historic land formations that lured Max Steineke to dig deeper (pun intended) and unleash the country’s significant carbon resources.


The second follows Aramco to California in the United States where the company opened its Palo Alto office for its Prosperity7 Ventures.


In the inauguration, Aramco president and CEO Amin Nasser invited partners to join the company in the investment.


“We welcome your partnership as we reduce our emissions and develop lower-carbon solutions while meeting the world’s needs,” Nasser said.


Here’s a look at the most viewed articles over the past week and past month.


Most viewed over the past week

1. VIDEO: Protecting our geology, ecology, and history

2. Aramco invites Silicon Valley to help find and fund new golden startups

3. CEO Cup: Scores of golfers compete at 41st CEO Cup

4. Why space is Aramco’s next frontier

5. Aramcons scour Dhahran on YLAB, Community Services ‘Energy Hunt’


Most viewed over the past month

1. World Environment Day 2023: ‘Recycle for the Life Cycle’

2. VIDEO: Protecting our geology, ecology, and history

3. Aramco invites Silicon Valley to help find and fund new golden startups