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This Day in History

This Day in History (2011): Company launches new website

2011 Aramco launches new website

From the June 1, 2011, edition of The Arabian Sun

For years, Saudi Aramco has relied on its core values of excellence, stewardship and innovation to drive the company to its many successes. With that foundation, the company strives for constant transformation for the better in all its operations.


The communicate this ideal on a global scale, Aramco recently launched its new website.


Far more than a simple face-lift, the new website features an enhanced search capability, interactive multimedia, up-to-date content, and a fresh look meant to engage all website visitors. To reflect Saudi Aramco's position as a leading global petroleum enterprise, the dynamic, single-pass construction is meant to imitate drilling and delving deeper through layers of data, just as drills bore down for hydrocarbons.


"Websites are fast-developing technologies, and five to six years is a long time to go without a redesign," said media relations specialist Kyle Pakka, who was a key member of the redesign team.


This new website will put us in the league with other Fortune 100 companies and strengthen Saudi Aramco's position in the global digital landscape
— Kyle Pakka


"The world will see who Saudi Aramco is through our website," said project champion Osama S. Kadi from Corporate Brand Management. "It is our face, and we want to put on the best, most accurate impression of who we are.


Also on this date

2011 Space Shuttle "Endeavour" makes its final landing after 25 flights


2009 General Motors files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the fourth largest in U.S. history


2004 Oklahoma City bombing co-conspirator Terry Nichols is sentenced to 161 consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole


1990 George H.W. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev sign a treaty to end chemical weapon production


1988 The European Central Bank is founded in Brussels


1980 Cable News Network (CNN) begins broadcasting


1974 The Heimlich maneuver for saving choking victims is published in the journal "Emergency Medicine"


1958 Charles de Gaulle comes out of retirement to lead France by decree for six months


1930 The "Deccan Queen" is introduced as first intercity train between Bombay and Poona to run electric locomotives


1919 Prohibition comes into force in Finland


1879 Napoleon Eugene, the last dynastic Bonaparte, is killed int he Anglo-Zulu War


1812 U.S. President James Madison ask the Congress to declare war on the United Kingdom


1535 Combined forces loyal to Charles V attack and expel the Ottomans from Tunis during the conquest of Tunis


1533 Anne Boleyn is crowned Queen of England


1215 Zhongdu (now Beijing), then under the control of the Jurchen ruler Emperor Xuanzong of Jin, is captured by the Mongols under Genghis Khan, ending the Battle of Zhongdu