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Ramadan Contest

Ramadan Contest: Aramco LIFE announces Week 3 winners

Aramco LIFE congratulates the latest round of Ramadan Contest winners. The daily winners from the past week include:


  • Mohammed Aljari, Northern Area Oil Drilling Department. (April 6)
  • Mohammed Alghamdi, Mohamed.GhamdI, Fadhili Gas Plant. (April 7))
  • Ameen Alamoudi , Industrial Security Support Department. (April 8)
  • Von Rommel Cariaga, Drilling and Workover. (April 9)
  • Khalid Almansour, Dhahran Area Industrial Security Operations Department. (April 10)
  • Budoor Alsheikh, Northern Area Reservoir Management Department. (April 11)
  • Ammar Almohammed Ali, Inspection Department. (April 12) 


Their names were randomly drawn from among those who answered that days question correctly.


The contest concludes at the end of next week, with opportunities for new daily winners. And all participants remain eligible to win the grand prize.