iktva Success Story
VIDEO: How does iktva drive additional value in commercial ecosystems while increasing supply chain reliability and market agility?
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February 05, 2023
Through iktva, we continue creating additional value to unlock new opportunities and drive economic growth.
My name is Omer Roof. I’m the general manager of Precision Polymer Engineering International (PPE). I’m based here in Saudi Arabia, and I relocated from the United Kingdom from PPE UK.
In 2019, we came to Saudi Arabia to do a business evaluation that was supported by Aramco’s iktva team and by Baker Hughes, setting up their new facility for completions, and they provided us with information and data on the products that they will be using because they wanted to have products that were fully manufactured in Saudi Arabia as part of the iktva program.
Marwa Ataya, localization specialist with Baker Hughes (iktva 2022 Best in Supplier Development Award winner)
Since iktva’s launch, Baker Hughes used its own long-standing relationship with PPE to facilitate the establishment of PPE manufacturing within the Kingdom.
Localizing PPE provides us with a competitive advantage in multiple ways, reducing our delivery time and increasing our supply chain resilience.
Omar Roof: The iktva team helped in many ways — recruitment for local people, providing data that was needed to be able to establish what equipment and capital expenditure we needed, what support we needed in terms of local licensing and setting the business up, and becoming a key supplier as part of the ecosystem here in Saudi Arabia.
The main benefit that came to PPE from the migration was actually the local talent. We were subject-matter experts in something that wasn’t actually established her in Saudi originally. So the way we benefitted was by being able to attract and work with new talent in the Kingdom, and do the knowledge transfer.
Faisal Al-Ratrout, materials engineer with Precision Polymer Engineering International
I’m a materials engineer at Precision Polymer Engineering. PPE has invested in me to learn about this subject by sending me even abroad to the UK — specifically to the facility that is located in Blackburn, where I’ll develop more understanding of how sealing work and how polymers work.
PPE has trusted me to have the needed knowledge, skills, and attitude to really learn something new.
Through iktva, we continue creating additional value to unlock new opportunities and drive economic growth.