This Day in History
This Day in History 1967: Medical Department conducts new health education series

February 08, 2023
The series was designed to help employees better deal with timely or important health problems faced by employees and their dependents.
From the Feb. 8, 1967 edition of the Sun and Flare
A new service, work-site health meetings, is currently being offered by the Medical Department's Health Education Unit in Dhahran.
The meetings, which are held monthly at the convenience of the employee's work schedule, last from 15 to 45 minutes and deal with timely or important health problems faced by employees and their dependents.
During December, illustrated talks were presented to approximately 700 employees at 16 different locations. Instructions were given on the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning due to the use of charcoal braziers and unsafe heaters.
In 1964, 91 people reported to Aramco Health Centers because of carbon monoxide poisoning. The number of known victims decreased to 23 in 1965, but already during this cold season, 28 people have been involved.
Caption for top photo: Fahad Al-Durhman, superintendent of the Aviation Sales Division (in the center background), who arranged the work-site health meeting, is watching shift supervisor Ali Habib practice the method of giving mouth-to-mouth breathing to a model. The procedure was explained and demonstrated by personnel from the Medical Department's Health Education Unit, who are conducting regular meetings on other timely health topics as part of the new service.
Also on this date
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1971 — The NASDAQ stock market index opens for the first time
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1960 — The Hollywood Walk of Fame is established
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1837 — Richard Johnson becomes the first vice president of the United States chosen by the United States Senate
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