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This Day in History

This Day in History (1952): Saudi students demonstrate trade skills

Young Aramco trainees show their skills to government and company heads

From the Jan. 9, 1952, edition of the Sun and Flare


As an ambitious send off to 1952, the Training Division held open house Saturday for a small group of Saudi dignataries and company executives. Purpose of the event was to review the progress made since the Advanced Trade Training Program was started 14 months ago to speed the advancement of Saudi employees.


In the spacious, well-lighted machine shop of the Advanced Crafts Training Center, some 50 guests, including H.H. Amir Abdul Muhsin ibn Jiluwi and Vice Presidents Floyd Ohliger and Norman Hard, and employee students, listened to speeches given by top instructors of Advanced Trade Training.


Afterward, the guests toured the facilities with Assistant Administrator Jalil Ishaq escorted and inspected a number of exhibits of the type of work performed. His Highness, the Amir, accompanied by Tawfiq Adrisi Abdul Rahman al Shabani and Ibrahim Jindan, expressed satisfaction with what they saw and said they hoped more Saudi employees would take advantage of the opportunities offered by the program.


Caption for top photo: FASCINATING ISN'T IT — A student shows H.H. Amir Abdul Muhsin ibn Juluwi how he has learned to run a metal-cutting late. Flanking the Amir are George Trial, right, and Abdul Jalil Ishaq, left. To the far left is Tawfik Adrisi, and to his left is Abdul Rahman Shaibani.


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