This Day in History

This Day in History (1965): Clothing production begins

Aramco contracts with Dammam company to provide khaki work clothing.

This Day in History (1965): Clothing production begins

From the Dec. 1, 1965 edition of the Sun and Flare


Dammam Clothing Industries has completed 600 pair of khaki pants toward filling the first increment of 1,900 in Aramco's contract with the factory to supply khaki work clothing.


Here, the work supervisor shows a finished pair of pants to M.A. Lupien, Dhahran District general superintendent of Materials Supply and Traffic, and R.C. Townsend, acting supervisor of the Commissary Division.


The factory's major stockholder, Abdulla Rashid al-Naimi, stands at right. The pants and shirts were manufactured from American cotton goods and under the specifications of American-made work clothing.


Al-Naimi is the first local entrepreneur to undertake the manufacture of clothing items under an Aramco contract.


Also on this date:

2000 — Vicente Fox Quesada is inaugurated as the president of Mexico, marking the first peaceful transfer of power to an opposing political party after a free election in the country's history


1991 — Ukranian voters overwhelmingly approve a referendum for independence from the Soviet Union


1988 — World AIDS Day is proclaimed by the UN member states


1973 — Papua New Guinea against self-government from Australia


1969 — The first draft lottery since World War II is held in the U.S. for the Vietnam War


1955 — Rosa Parks, a seamstress in Montgomery, Alabama, refused to give up her bus seat to a white man and is arrested for violating the city's segregation laws


1924 — The National Hockey League's first U.S.-based franchise, the Boston Bruins, plays their first game at home at the Boston Arena


1918 — Iceland becomes a sovereign state while still remaining part of the Danish kingdom


1878 — U.S. president Rutherford B. Hayes gets the first telephone installed in the White House


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