November 24, 2022
Aramcon Priyanka Panda captured this image in the back yard of their home in Dhahran.
This image was captured by Priyanka Panda (spouse of Saroj) in May. The bird’s nest is located in their backyard, on Banyan Court, here in Dhahran. She used her iPhone 13. This infant bird is a white-eared bulbul, which is about to open its wings in a few days. Saroj is a Science specialist working in the Advanced Analysis Group of the Research & Development Center Department. He has been with the company 13 years. We invite you to send your photo for consideration. Email with a high-resolution jpeg and caption information including where you took the photo, with what kind of camera, where you live, where you work, what your job is, what department or area you work in, and how many years you have been with the company.