By August 02, 2022
Three tips on how to work toward happiness at home and work.
A philosopher expert, Arthur Schopenhauer says that — wealth is like seawater, and therefore, the more we drink it, the thirstier we become — which is truly the same with professional identity.
Life is not all focus only on monetary and fame in our daily life, but life is our joy and satisfaction with our lovely family and trusted friends that matters while you are you striving toward your goals.
Here are some suggestions on how to be happy with less and avoid the trap of wanting more wealth and fame as you strive toward your goals.
Have clear realistic expectations on your path to achieve your goals
An expert says to pursue your goals you need realistic expectations, which are well-balanced between a professional career (materialistic and professional identity) and personal life (be happy with your family on what have).
Science proves that happiness and satisfaction cannot be found if you mainly focus on materialistic things and a professional career in your daily life. The joy and satisfaction of both money and fame is short-lived. Therefore, you will crave for more wealth and fame (i.e., you are constantly sprinting to achieve the next goal).
One of the inseparable components of life is time, and therefore, you need to value your time wisely and make every moment count by living it best, both for your professional identity (materialistic and fame) and your personal life (joy and satisfaction with your family).
One of the traps for wanting to get more wealth and fame by constantly sprinting to achieve the next goal — and forgetting your family responsibilities at home with your spouse and children — is that you unfortunately will not find joy and satisfaction in your daily life.
Maintain work-life balance
One of the problems in this obsessed productivity and achievement society is that many people prioritize their professional aspirations at the expense of their lovely family. These achievement-oriented people have mainly devoted their lives to their careers. As a result, their family life has turned cold.
Keep in mind that you have two roles in your daily life — your professional career (identity and fame), which is only one part of who you are — and your personal life, which are the other roles, the family responsibilities, e.g., spouse, parents, children, trusted best friends.
Maintaining a successful and equal work-life balance in your daily life means that you trust that you know who you are, and therefore, you will find a way to meet your goals and overcome obstacles, while following the right path. If you believe you are worthwhile, and are not perfect nor better than other people, then you will invest equally in your time — in achieving your personal career — and other roles in your personal life, including equally sharing the family responsibilities at home with your spouse.
You should always remember to appreciate your achievements
By sincerely appreciating the Almighty God from the bottom of your heart for all his blessings for what you have so far, you will likely find joy and satisfaction both at work and at home — while you are constantly sprinting toward the next goal.
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