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Carbon Curing

VIDEO: Carbon curing strengthens concrete, cuts process time in half

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We invest in people and technology to help reduce emissions as we work toward transitioning to a circular carbon economy. 


Today, concrete is around us everywhere. After water, it’s the most widely used material on Earth.


Cementing concrete alone is responsible for 7% of global emissions. Concrete comes in the forms of ready-mixed, bricks, and precast. 


Precast has the most potential for innovation through development and refining of the curing process. This is critical for precast to achieve its full strength, which is usually achieved with steam.


We improve this by adding captured CO2. Carbon curing enhances its strength and refines its chemical properties, allowing us to complete the process in half the time. This can permanently lock carbon away in the precast itself.


For each job can capture 30 kg of CO2. Our scientists are working to improve the process, helping find answers to some of the planet’s most pressing issues.