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Johns Hopkins Medicine Rotations

Pain, emergency medicine experts up next on Johns Hopkins Medicine medical rotation

Johns Hopkins Medicine Eellan Sivanesan and Risko Nicholas JHAH rotation

Two Johns Hopkins Medicine experts will be on medical rotation at Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH) at the end of this month.


Johns Hopkins Medicine U.S. pain management expert, Dr. Eellan Sivanesan, will join JHAH Dhahran, on medical rotation from July 24-28.


Director of Neuromodulation and assistant professor at Johns Hopkins University-School of Medicine, Sivanesan treats patients with chronic back, joint, abdominal, pelvic, headache, facial, neuropathic, cancer, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), post-amputation, and other pain conditions. He performs fluoroscopically and ultrasound guided interventions. 


Sivanesan’s visit is allotted for pre-scheduled complex cases and procedures for JHAH patients.


Dr.  Nicholas Pereira Risko, M.D., M.H.S., an assistant professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and associate director of the Center for Global Emergency Care, is a JHM emergency medicine expert who will be on medical rotation at JHAH in Dhahran from July 24-28.


Risko is a leading researcher in the economics of global emergency care development. His visit is allotted for emergency cases and procedures for JHAH patients.


Specialists from JHM U.S. share their expertise during ongoing medical rotations on the ground at JHAH, reviewing complex cases, providing patient consultations, and performing surgeries for our patients.


 See more about visiting Johns Hopkins Medicine specialists at


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