Empowerment through Education
Aramco leads the way in knowledge and creativity through its CDPNE program

By June 21, 2022
Aramco’s Training and Development organization continues to inspire and empower students through its programming.
Aramco continues to offer young Saudi talent the opportunities to academically thrive through its signature College Degree Program for non-Employees (CDPNE).
The program has long been a source of pride for Aramco, and over the years has seen thousands of Saudi students sponsored and developed, many emerging to become key figures within the company’s workforce.
Strategic objectives
CDPNE was established in the 1980s with the primary goal of nurturing highly-skilled professional employees in areas of study critical to the company’s business and strategic objectives.
“Being the best place to work is a key goal for Aramco, and to achieve this the company invests heavily in the development of its people through various programs and initiatives. A prime example is our dedication of time and energy in our students to prepare our company for the future” said Nabeel Al-Jama’, senior vice president of HR & Corporate Services.
The company takes pride in the accomplishments of its CDPNEs studying and making their mark across the world.
The T&D strategic plan aligns with the company’s and the Kingdom’s objectives. Our strategic focus is developing people, to enhance their skills and their capabilities.
“Through the CDPNE program, our students have represented our great company all around the world at the best colleges and universities. Their success is a demonstration of the exceptional talent we have in Saudi Aramco and in Saudi Arabia,” said Faisal A. Al Hajji, vice president of Human Resources.
“We are extremely proud of our students. Year after year, Saudi Aramco attracts many of the best talents in the country, and our programs aim to maximize their potential. Their achievements are a source of pride and inspiration for us all,” said Sami T. Al-Murshed, general manager of T&D.
Setting a high standard to follow
Here we showcase just a few examples of how Aramco’s ambassadors of study have made their marks.

Abdulrahman Khurmy, mechanical engineering student, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Khurmy has worked on the conceptual design and development of a cargo bike hold that won the top three prize in his year group. Abdulrahman’s team designed a cargo bike system to inspire a Liverpool City Centered organization, to become eco-friendlier by converting from engine to hybrid powered transport. This is to reduce the number of light duty vehicles i.e., cars, which contribute the most CO2.
As an outcome of this project, Abdulrahman and his group are now working with a local company to create 3-D models for their business.
Dana Ismail, geology student at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Dana achieved the second placed in the Misk Fellowship, a six-month leadership program for young Saudis studying at top international universities.
She led a team of six students to convert food waste to bio-gas under the theme of ‘Sustainable Development Solutions.’
“Leading a team, refining and presenting ideas, accommodating new solutions and mentoring students were all challenges, and these challenges are what made a unique program with strong connections and an unforgettable experience,” said Ismail.
Basil Althagafi, Chemical Engineering student KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
A Chemical Engineering sponsored student at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals was awarded the professional certificate of Internal Audit Practitioner (IAP) during his COOP assignment in Saudi Aramco with his sponsoring organization, Internal Auditing.
“Understanding the basics of auditing has helped me gain an understanding of the auditing process at Aramco, thus allowing me to get involved in my department's activities very quickly and be an effective member, even though I am still in my training period,” Althagafi said.
Shaikah Al Zeer, engineering Curtin University, Australia
Al Zeer received a commendation letter from the Engineering First Year Board of Examiners for her outstanding academic results. She is a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and was recommended by Curtin University to become a tutor because of her outstanding results.
“I have always been enthused about engineering,” she explained, “and Aramco has provided me with the path that has connected my interest with achieving my career goals in the future. Aramco has always supported me and all of their trainees to prepare us to fulfill the requirements for joining top universities.”

Mohammed Alruwaii, University of New South Wales, Australia
Alruwaii came third in the AIESEC Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) hackathon, which focused on developing problem solving, communication and presentation skills within a team environment.
Mohammed’s name was also included in the 2020 Dean’s Honors List for outstanding academic achievement.
Alruwaii described his transition from high school through the Dhahran College Preparatory Program (CPP), to university as ‘excellent.’
Sending students overseas, helps them to build resilience and character, according to Alruwaii.
“Hard times create strong people,” he said, “I think that sending students overseas takes them out of their comfort zone. There is a broad aspect of development that is achieved by living in another country and dealing with different kinds of people.”

Mohammad Alnoaimi, Pennsylvania State University
Alnoaimi was handed the honor of the Energy and Mineral Engineering Department’s Marshal for the opening ceremony in the spring of this year.
He was selected due to his outstanding academic achievement in earning the Summa cum Laude pre-distinction.
“The program gave me the privilege to be exposed to a diverse community. I was able to immerse myself in Penn State’s community and absorb its open-mindedness, thirst for knowledge and desire to build an ever-stronger community.”
Alnoaimi said that the CDPNE program builds leadership abilities.
“I wanted to be a leader with a positive impact on my community. Thus, I joined the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Student Chapter and became the first international president,” Said Alnoaimi.