Our Technology

VIDEO: Leveraging technology for efficiency, sustainability

From Carbon Capture Utilization to Artificial Intelligence, Big Data to IR4.0 technologies, Aramco uses cutting-edge technology to engineer a better future.

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How can we use data to deliver energy more efficiently?


How can we leverage technology to support sustainable solutions?


We apply carbon capture utilization and storage technologies that capture CO2, reuse it for enhanced oil recovery, and recycle captured carbon into useful products.


We also develop IR4.0 technologies that increase our efficiency. We use machine learning and robotics to automate operations and lower power consumption.


We use advanced modeling to simulate reservoirs, leveraging AI and Big Data analytics to maximize oil and gas recovery, and our autonomous sensor ball technology collects pressure and temperature data from multiple wells, to increase the efficiency of our operations.


These are some of the intelligent technologies we deploy to engineer a better future.


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