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Greener Places

Aramco inaugurates park on Tanajib shoreline

Tanajib shoreline park entrance

Aramco recently opened a new park next to the Tanajib community shoreline for employees to enjoy outdoors.


Jointly inaugurated from Community Services and Safaniyah area management, the park was built to boos the health and well-being of community residents with its valuable green space in which employees can exercise and relax. 


The park also hosts a variety of native plants, with each section displaying a specific type that employees can enjoy and learn about.


Safaniyah Area Producing (SAP) and the Northern Area CS Department (NACSD) are committed to planting native trees in and around community camps as part of Aramco’s 1 million trees initiative.

Aramco's Tanajib shoreline park overlooking the Arabian Gulf

A place for outdoor activities

Tanajib’s beach park was inaugurated by Azeb M. Al-Qahtani, SAP general manager, and Mohammad A. Al-Sultan, CS Operations general manager, as well as other SAP and NACSD management.


 “The park is meant for the community residents to enjoy outdoor activities. Tanajib Park is part of Aramco’s participation in the green Middle East initiative, and it is aligned with Saudi Arabia’s 2030 Vision,” said Tanajib Community Services superintendent Khalil J. Al Refaii, who also highlighted two primary objectives of the park. 


The first is education, to increase the employee’s awareness and importance of the surrounding environment. The second is to increase the green coverage in the community areas with minimal water usage.


NACSD has established a seed bank at the Tanajib nursery to collect as many native seeds as possible. As a result, about 500,000 plants and 25,000 native trees are being produced this year.


‘Harmonizing the city’

NACSD manager Abdullah S. Al Shemaly highlighted that this initiative is part of the CS’s green initiative at all remote camp, saying, “This park will substantially support the concept of harmonizing the city.”



This park will improve the quality of life of the remote employees and integrates with other efforts in the area such as working on the visual appeal program and renovation programs. In addition, Community Services will always operate with customer satisfaction in mind.
Mohammad A. Al-Sultan


Al-Qahtani thanked CSs’ efforts for their area operations, which will lead them to achieve their objectives. “We are looking forward to seeing more initiatives impact our business positively and to have a good service supporting a work life balance,”


Following the inauguration, each committee member planted a native tree at the park for the future generation to enjoy.