Safety First

Child car seats: what you need to know

Protect your children by learning more about car seats.

Child car seats: what you need to know

As a parent, one of the most important jobs you have is to keep your child safe when riding in a vehicle. The proper use of car safety seats helps to keep our loved ones safe during a short and/or long road trips.

According to the latest studies of the World Health Organization, in the event of a collision, the use of child seats and seat belts reduce the concussions of infants by 700%, and the death of children by 54%. 

As per Saudi Traffic Police Law Article 57, one of the traffic regulations stipulates that seat belts and child seats must be used while driving on the roads in-Kingdom. Additionally, placing a child that is under the age of 10 in the front seat is a traffic violation.

Use the proper child restraints

Choosing the proper type of child restraint depends on many factors, such as age, height, and weight of the child. It is important to ensure that your child restraint is suitable for his/her weight and size, and that it is correctly fitted and installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

There are many types of child restraints. The table is a quick guide on where to start.

Minimum requirements

The child car seat must:

• Be appropriate for your child’s size and age

• Be correctly installed in your car (follow manufacturer’s instructions)

• Be properly fastened and adjusted to fit your child.

Test your knowledge about child restraints by taking the Traffic Safety Monthly quiz offered by the Traffic Safety Signature Program Division (TSSPD).


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