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JHAH, Prosperity7

Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare and Prosperity7 join forces

Ahmad O. Al-Khowaiter, Aramco chief technology officer Prosperity 7 JHAH collaboration


The health care industry has seen strong growth amid the pandemic and new innovations for providers and patients continue to be developed. Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH), a leading health care provider in the GCC, and Prosperity7, the $1 billion diversified investment fund of Aramco, have teamed up to capitalize on such opportunities to change lives. On Aug. 23, executive management and key staff from both organizations held a workshop to explore ways to collaborate.


JHAH’s chief executive, Dr. Michael Walsh, said, “The promise of a workshop like this is to bring together the growing health care needs of our population as it ages with the latest innovations in technology, and to identify opportunities to improve patient quality of life.” 


For example, medical apps and wearable health care devices offer new options for doctor-patient interactions that were not possible just a few years ago. The JHAH-Prosperity7 partnership brings the expertise to help evaluate these startups and their technologies to ease the delivery and increase the availability of such new products and services to the market.


“We believe that the best opportunities are going to be identified by subject matter experts who are practitioners in the industry. We want to leverage their knowledge, experience and insights,” said Aramco chief technology officer, Ahmed O. Al-Khowaiter. “This is a win-win-win for all sides involved that can revolutionize health care in the region, like Aramco did many years ago, as Aramco was the first to establish modern medical health care in the Kingdom.”


The forum offered the attendees the opportunity to see and use real robotic physical therapy devices provided by Fourier Intelligence, a Prosperity7 portfolio company that JHAH helped evaluate. 


“Prosperity7 targets disruptive, scalable, and resilient technologies. You can’t find a better area than health care where such disruption can have significant positive impacts and touch the lives of many,” said Aysar Tayeb, executive managing director of Prosperity7.  


Aramco Ventures’ CEO, Mahdi Adel, said, “The objective of the workshop was to start a long-term collaboration to assess technologies, run pilots, and deploy them, which leads to successful investments and company growth for the benefit of all.”