Your Voice

Your Voice: After 15 years of continued service in Aramco, what have I learned?

The importance of respecting time, progress, and our continuous quest for excellence.

Your Voice: After 15 years of continued service in Aramco, what have I learned?

I remembered my first day in Aramco, when I traveled from the Employment Center after signing the contract, to the ID office for the issuing of my first ID card, beginning my life career in Aramco. When I was walking into the ID office, I was thinking about what I will see during my career from such a huge company, which has such a great history. 


Actually, it was kind of an adventure. I knew that day I am no longer that young guy who came from school, it was a new level in my life. It was a new world, but was very interesting, especially for a guy who came from a small town to Dhahran, the pulsing heart of Saudi Arabia. 


I could say I learned many lessons from my service in Aramco, but I will mention the most important lessons I learned.


The first lesson anyone could learn from Aramco’s business concept is respecting time. Every single minute in Aramco has value, starting from bus schedules to the work schedule to the end of the work day. Aramco employees learn from the beginning that time in the company is something that is important. And that appreciation of time reflects on the employee’s personal life — for respecting the time and keeping their appointments — which made them a good example for people respecting time.


The second lesson I learned is the dynamic of continued progress and development in Aramco. Every moment, you can see the company does not rest in its quest for maintaining progress in every field, as it seeks out and brings in the latest technology in operation, IT, maintenance, etc. The company cares about its employees, and encourages them to maintain their personal development by taking courses, studying, or urging them to use self-development. That teaches me a very important lesson, which is the way of success. Each of us can continue for our own development and learning, and never stop progressing.


The last lesson I learned from my service in Aramco is the quest for excellence, which is actually one of the corporate values. The company seeks excellence in every field of operation or nonoperation, which has inspired me to continue seeking excellence and not settling for less.


Your Voice reflects the thoughts and opinions of the writer and not necessarily those of the publication.






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