Top Stories
Top stories for Week 26 and the past month
Young employees, major deals, and the President’s Awards for Excellence top the lists of most read.
Here's the top stories over the past week and past month.
Top five stories from the past week
1. Young Aramcons tackle tough environmental, social, and governance challenges
2. Aramco signs public-private agreement for six East-West Pipeline residential compounds
3. Aramco raises $6 billion through the world’s largest U.S.-dollar corporate Sukuk
4. YLAB mines wisdom from Olivier Le Peuch, CEO of Schlumberger
5. Aramco Presidents Awards: Excellence recognized in testing times
Top three stories from the past month
1. Aramco signs public-private agreement for six East-West Pipeline residential compounds
2. Retirees share their experience from working on the Trans-Arabian Pipeline
3. Young Aramcons tackle tough environmental, social, and governance challenges